Now that I.Q is Amazing, Please buff Kapkan!

I.Q can easily find Kapkan traps and wreck them.
Kapkan already is obvious to any player because of his red laser and anchor. He's practically useless when wiring windows.
Thatcher wrecks him, Twitch wrecks him, any operator with a sense of awareness sees his traps, and now I.Q can see them through walls and destroy them with ease as she is used nearly every round
Kapkan deserves to have his traps much better hidden. It's just a joke at this point, as his traps pretty much say "Watch out!"
Remove the anchor and make the red laser less obvious.

I think the problem is balance. Atm, Kapkan is not very good since he's obvious. However, if you remove his only visual cues, he becomes insanely powerful. Removing the anchor but keeping the laser as-is would be fine, imo, but removing the anchor and reducing the laser visibility would make it too difficult for a reasonable player to proceed.
Consider Frost. Her ability is largely regarded as balanced because people still fall for it, yet when they do so, it's entirely because they weren't paying attention. If you're careful, you will see her traps, and you will see them quickly; you don't need to squint or use any special device (i.e. smoke grenades) to identify them. Kaplan should be the same way. If you're waltzing in, you'll get detonated, but if you proceed with reasonable caution (i.e. paying attention but not necessarily ADSing every doorway you see), you can destroy his traps.
Moving Kap to the glitched system where there is no laser would swing the balance far into his favor.

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